What's in the in-betweeness?
Can you believe that we're halfway through the year already? Things are moving at a quicker pace, despite our collective situation not moving as fast as we would hope it would.
This “in-betweeness” we are in considers the thresholds between binary oppositions in movement, location and space. We are present in our homes, but not really, as our minds are working from home. The world outside our homes is moving at a much faster pace, but not as fast as we remember the world to be. Vaccinations are finally happening, but we still don't know when this pandemic is going to end.
While we may consider this time we are living through as limbo, we can also allow ourselves the heart space to sit with the in-betweeness.
The mid-year point is a good time to pause, reflect, and regroup.
We invite you to look back at the last six months so we can turn the corner into the second half of the year with mindfulness of our own feelings, goals and life situations.
Here are some questions to percolate on:
- Thinking back over the first half of the year, what went well? What do you feel good about and can celebrate? What worked?
- On the other hand, what did you want to do that didn’t happen the way you had hoped it would, and why? Is this still important? Is it still worth pursuing?
- Where do you want to be at the end of this year? How do you plan to get there given what has occurred in the first half of the year?
Are you doing a mid-year reflection? We'd love to hear how you strive to be mindful during these landmarks in your life. Share your thoughts in the comments section below this post.